DRAFT Minutes
7:00 p.m. Nelson’s Market
Attendees: Anne Mackie, Tom Scott, Libby Stark, Lynn Gobush, Helen Jackson
Tenants have moved out, permit to demolish on docket, issue of saving tree will be pursued despite arborist’s statement that it can’t be saved, Nelson’s Market has offered to let construction traffic use their lot if it will help
Still need walking tour reports!
Anne has ordered 12 signs to post around neighborhood
An email will go out (Tom)
Call for homemade cookies!
Survey results
50 replies so far
Will leave process open to collecting more surveys
Will postpone analysis till more responses
Neighborhood themes to be articulated (from September minutes)
Security, Code enforcement, Historic district, Maintenance, Owner-occupied/landlord issues, walkability/quality of life, Connectedness of 3 areas divided by arterials (Lakeway, Ellis)
Small group breakouts-
Tom will take over Group C Transportation for Dave, Libby will take over Housing for Nick (temporary)
What do we value? What do we want to stay the same? What do we want to change?
Each group should meet once by Thanksgiving, again in January
Anne distributed binders she prepared for each group to aid in
documentation of our work
Next Committee Meeting-
Monday, November 5, 7 p.m.
November 19,
The Committee as a whole will continue to meet each month