DRAFT Minutes


York Neighborhood Planning Committee

Monday, May 7, 2007

GSUM Church, 7:00 p.m.


Present:  Lynn Gobush, Helen Jackson, Alex Lindbloom, Anne Mackie, Stina Olson, Elliott Smith, Libby Stark, Kurt Stauber


I.          Agenda Review / Introductions


II.        Urban Villages – Presentation by Alex Lindbloom

Alex presented a Samish Way “urban village” design concept that he had prepared for a WWU planning class. 


III.       Area 2 & 4 – Walking Tour

Ideas raised by the committee’s April 23 walking tour of Areas 2 & 4 included:

  1. Possible sites for pocket parks in Area 4.
  2. Create destination-points and interest areas such as coffee shops or community gardens to encourage a pedestrian neighborhood.
  3. Create more visibility and reduce crime.
  4. Potential sites for redevelopment and infill.
  5. Need to do outreach to the businesses and landlords within these two areas.
  6. Importance of maintaining the single-family homes and historic character of Area 4 when integrating new structures.
  7. Valuable to have close proximity to downtown.
  8. Recognize the value Area 4 provides of affordable housing for students and/or young families.


IV.       Set Date & Time for Next Tour

It was agreed to tour Area 6, along Whatcom Creek and Meador St., and part of Area 5 along the I-5 wall on Monday, May 21.  The committee will meet at Nelson’s at 6:00 p.m.


V.        Historic design standards

Elliott reported that York has been invited to participate with the Sehome Neighborhood and other neighborhoods on the development of design standards for historic neighborhoods.  Elliott and Lynn volunteered to be York’s representatives and will contact Allen Matsumoto of Sehome and report back at the next meeting.


VI.       Timeline for our Plan Update

There has been some confusion about what timeline York is working on for its Neighborhood Plan update.  The committee decided, after discussion, that we will file our plan revisions in 2008, not at the end of 2007.


VII.     Structure of Subcommittees

The committee agreed to refine its structure into subcommittees after we have completed the walking tours of the York subareas.


VII.     Additional issues:

It was agreed that the committee will use the York website to share its minutes, written reports, and a survey of what Yorkers think is important for future planning.  We would like to create a dialogue on the website about planning issues.  Anne will bring this item to the YNA Board for discussion at its June meeting.


VIII.    Committee Meeting Schedule

It was agreed that the first Monday of the night still seems to work well – at least for those people who are able to attend at that time!  The survey tool will help generate more interest in the plan update process, and after the survey is analyzed we may want to reconsider the committee’s meeting schedule.


NEXT MEETING:  Monday, June 4, 7:00 p.m., GSUM Church, room B


Minutes submitted by Anne Mackie.