York Neighborhood
Association General Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 15,
2006, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
at Garden Street United
Methodist Church
I. Welcome
& Introductions
(be sure to sign the sign-in sheet)
Several students attended
the meeting as well as three new York Neighborhood residents.
II. Bellingham School District Bond
Speakers: Dr. Dale Kinsley, Superintendent, and Kelly
Dr. Kinsley and Kelly
Bashaw discussed the upcoming $67 million School Bond. The bond would be for building new
elementary schools, the modernization of Shuksan Middle School, seismic safety
work for some of the District’s historic schools as well as other maintenance
projects for older schools. Kelly
Bashaw passed around a sign up sheet for those interested in phone banking to remind
voters to return their mail-in ballots. Dr. Kinsley also answered questions.
III. Franklin Park playground redesign
Speaker: Jonathan Schilk, Parks Dept.
Jonathan Schilk discussed
the playground equipment at Franklin Park and solicited information from
neighbors regarding the equipment. On
display were pictures of potential equipment as well as an aerial photo of
Franklin Park. He also took down notes
regarding the drainage of the playfield, the possibility of a walkway around
the park and lighting concerns.
Jonathan Schilk suggested administering surveys to neighbors asking for
their opinion regarding specific equipment and their needs as park users. A YNA committee has been established, headed
by Judy Bachman and Helen Jackson, to coordinate the Franklin Park renovation
efforts between the Parks Department and the YNA.
IV. Election of YNA 2006 Board of Directors
2006 Board elections were
held with the following motion:
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve the
following nominations for the 2006 YNA Board of Directors:
1. Tom Scott (Pres)
2. Anne Mackie (VP)
3. Libby Stark (Secretary)
4. Helen Jackson (Treas.)
5. Judy Bachman (Franklin Park Project
6. Elliott Smith (student rep)
7. Barbara Davenport (Historic
Preservation Committee Coordinator)
8. Amelia Lunde (Garden Club Coordinator)
9. Jessica Bandstra (Newsletter Editor)
10. Carolyn Mulder (At-large)
11. David Wainwright (GSUMC/At-large)
12. Greg Keeler (At-large)
13. Oso Keeler (At-large)
14. Robert Hand (student rep)
15. George Liepart (At-large)
The motion passed unanimously.
V. 2006 Small & Simple Grant Proposal – Anne
Mackie presented the proposal to submit a grant request for $2500 for the Small
& Simple grant to fund clean-up and renovation of the street “island” in
1200 block of Franklin Street. A
photograph was provided of the island on Franklin.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve the
grant proposal for the 1200 block of Franklin project; and the YNA will
contribute $500 to the project through fundraising. The motion passed unanimously.
Other Issues, if time
There were no other
concerns brought forward.
VII. Upcoming Meetings: YNA Board, Wed. Feb. 22, 7:00 p.m.,
Park Work Party, March 4, 9 to noon
Preserv, March 8, 7:00 p.m., Nelson’s
Cmte., March 12, 6:00 p.m., Nelson’s
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 followed
by a social time coupled with cookies, brownies and milk.
Submitted by Libby Stark
YNA Secretary