[transcribed from handwritten notes]
Meeting called to order by Michael Ch
Betty Kiner from Greenways Committee gave presentation and slide show on green
Discussion was held on proposed levy of 7 million % to acquire land for trails, wetlands, and open space for city area
Levy would provide trail surfacing, lighting, land purchase for buffering for wetlands & wildlife habitat. Levy to be spread over 6 years, or when funds run out, whichever comes first.
Approval of levy would link 15 miles of continuous trails. Currently 2 miles is the limit.
Ballot is May 22nd
Benefit Concert May 11 at Whatcom Co Museum. Admission will be $3.00 $6.00
230 trees planted, [unreadable] that were planted on Sunday [gap], in Rock Hill
Special thanks to Lynn Torno, who was selected as Angel of the Month.
Rock Hill -- 10 trees planted 4/22/90 by Wally Dunn
Waiting for funds from city
Volunteers are needed for mowing. Please contact Michael if you are interested
Discussion was held on a derelict house adjacent to Rick Hill and possibilities to improve/remove structure. Concerns are for hazards (i.e., broken glass) near house
With increase of projects, printing costs, possibility of dues may be necessary. Current treasury is $75.00
Issue will be discussed at May meeting. Michael will report on other neighborhood organizations & the amount of their dues.
Tom Scott has developed list for phone tree.
Donna -- City has budgeted $2000 for equipment to replace climbing apparatus, which was removed as it was hazardous. Donna shared catalogs for replacement equipment.
Suggestion to cancel meetings for summer months of June, July August
Idea to have newsletter/board meeting for one meeting to keep continuity. Emergency meetings can be scheduled as needed. A summer potluck could be held
May meeting
Recycling issues / Carolyn
Blockwatch/Police -- Request has been made to have police do presentation
Concensus was BPD/Blockwatch would be invited to next meeting
Wally Pratt -- Mayor's Advisory Council / Idea was suggested that neighborhood citizens could distribute flyers re school bond issue
Wally discussed w/Mayor Tim Douglas the need for traffic control, specifically Humboldt St. Michael Ch gave update re progress on neighborhood requests. (Stop sign @ Humboldt & Potter, stop sign on Franklin @ Park
Contact Jack Choat @ Public Works to give support to need for traffic control
Do in form of letter -- Letter to Tim Douglas --
Betty -- When addressing city staff, send cc to Mayor
City Council
Freeway exit, crossing Lakeway continues to be a problem