The meeting was called to order with a quorum present. Michael Chiavario, Pres., read the minutes of the last meeting, which were approved. He then read a letter to be sent to area management companies, asking them to inform any of their who own property in the neighborhood of the existence of and the landlords' eligibility for membership. The letter was approved by the membership for mailing. Michael then discussed the upcoming meetings on the city Greenways project, and it was agreed that the neighborhood would go as a group to the meeting at Sehome High School on March 6. The membership decided not to pass a resolution re: an opinion on the Greenways project until we know more about it. The next item was the YNA street trees project -- anyone interested in participating should attend the meeting at Kent & Muriel's (1537 Humboldt) on Tues March 20 at 8 pm. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.