Disaster Preparedness Meeting Notes

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Attendees:  Carol Dixon, Kirsten Shore, George Liepart, Libby Stark


1)      Libby will write the newsletter article for the Yorker

2)      Carol (and any others who are interested) will attend the MYN (Map Your Neighborhood) training with LouAnn Johnson on 9/27 from 6:30 – 8:30 at City Hall.  Contact Carol if you are interested in attending.

3)      Committee members are encouraged to recruit “block captains” who will participate in mapping their neighborhood and act as liaisons between their neighborhood and this committee.  Carol will train these “block captains” later in September at the next Disaster Preparedness meeting.

4)      Libby will ask Anne Mackie for a list of the owner / renter occupied houses in York in order to give guidance to block captains.

5)      Carol, and others, will be tabling at the York picnic on 9/23 at Franklin Park.  Carol is organizing the tabling and hoping to work with the Red Cross and scouting groups.  Don Davis, from COB Emergency Management office, will also be in attendance.