York Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

7:03 – 9:25 pm

Garden Street United Methodist Church



Present:  Anne Mackie, Jessica Bandstra, Jeff Bates, Carol Dixon, Tom Scott, Carolyn Mulder, Lisa McShane, Barbara Davenport, Seth Cool and Libby Stark.


Helen Jackson, Elliott Smith, George Liepart and Nick Hartrich indicated they would not be present.


Guests: Lesley Keenholts, Kirsten Shore, Barbara Brandt


Announcements:   Elliott Smith will be graduating from WWU this June.  A card was passed around to sign and Libby is collecting money for a gift.


Approval of minutes:  Tom Scott made a motion to approve the minutes from the May board meeting.   Jeff Bates seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Approval of by-laws:  Lisa McShane made a motion to approve the by-laws as amended by Anne Mackie and Libby Stark.  Jessica Bandstra seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Reschedule of 7/18 meeting: The League of Women Voters is holding a candidate forum at 7 pm the same evening of the board meeting.  It was decided board members should attend the candidate forum if possible.  The board meeting was rescheduled for 7/15 at 7 pm.


I.  Current issues with an upcoming deadline:















II.  Committee Reports:





Franklin Park Committee Chair:  Jeff and the Franklin Park Committee met with Jonathan Schilk of the Parks Department Katie Franks of the Planning and Community Development on 6/12 and presented a map with the preliminary design ideas before the cost estimates include: the backstop will be removed; open space will be kept and graded so it drains better during winter months.  More benches will be added as will a path that goes all the way around the park.  The fence will be removed and replaced with berms that will have trees and grass.  There will be no new plants due to maintenance.  More grants will be needed for certain elements including a covered structure and Katie Franks is looking into this. She will advise the committee of available funding.  Jeff noted that the alley next to the park is actually park property.  Jeff asked board members their thoughts on closing off that alley and incorporating it into Franklin Park.  Currently, several neighbors object to the alley being closed.  Jonathan Schilk will contact the Bellingham Fire Department to see if it is even an option.  Carolyn made a motion to not approve incorporating the alley into Franklin Park out of respect for the current neighbors.  Jeff seconded, however it was decided to wait until next board meeting to discuss options.   




III.  Current issues:





Topics for next board meeting: Lakeway crosswalk petition, board roles and responsibilities, Franklin Park alley


The meeting adjourned at 9:25.

Submitted by Libby Stark