York Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

7:07 – 8:35 pm

Garden Street United Methodist Church



Present:  Anne Mackie, Jessica Bandstra, Sarah Bates, Carol Dixon, Elliott Smith, George Liepart, and Libby Stark.


Barbara Davenport, Jeff Bates, Helen Jackson indicated they would not be present.


Guests: Kathryn Hanowell from COB and Don Gischer from City Council 4th Ward attended.


Announcements:   Elliott Smith will be graduating from WWU this June.  A card was passed around to sign and Libby is collecting money for a gift.


Approval of minutes:  Sarah Bates made a motion to approve the minutes from the April board meeting.   Elliott seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


I.  Current issues with an upcoming deadline:










II.  Committee Reports:








III.  Current issues:




Topics for next board meeting: newsletter submittal process, Lakeway crosswalk petition, board roles and responsibilities, crime at Rock Hill Park.


The meeting adjourned at 8:40.

Submitted by Libby Stark